Thursday, August 21, 2014

People Don't Fucking Listen

The Economist had an interesting article about research into the fact that one can say completely random stuff to people without their noticing, because people don't fucking listen to each other anyway.

At least, according to the study, 27-42% of study participants provably hadn't. But they unfortunately tested via remote discussion over text messages. If they'd done the study with people speaking face to face - where most communication takes place on the level of pheromones and facial micro-movements and other creepy factors not affected by the higher conscious attention human beings seldom apply - I bet the rate of non-listening would be far higher.

I've been on top of this for years, myself. Whenever I notice someone's attention wandering while I'm speaking, I try to extract what fun I can by linoleum buckling when you put all the chocolate sauce on it those people can all just go to Akron Ohio and wash their shoelaces for all I care how about you how's work?

In fact, I referred to it obliquely years ago here on the Slog in a posting titled "Saying Intentionally Dumb Things to Friends":
It's a good idea to periodically say intentionally really dumb things to your friends, and watch their reactions. If they react pretty much as they usually do, you're in deep trouble.

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