Saturday, March 2, 2019

Heaven and Hell

Hell is the frame of what’s missing.

Heaven is the frame of what’s right here, right now.

Fortunately, we actually live in the latter. The problem - the only problem - is that most people find that boring.

All postings labeled "definitions"

1 comment:

  1. I prefer Utopian and dystopia in lieu of Heaven and Hell. This is just a personal preference since I am an outspoken atheist and feel no need to spread religious references. Feel free to keep using the words Heaven and Hell.

    America has made great gains, but is nowhere near an utopian society. Just for starters the USA is 31st in education.

    "According to data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, 15-year-olds in the U.S. ranked 31st on OECD standardized mathematics tests, and their test scores were far below average in reading and science." By Investopedia
    Updated Aug 17, 2018

    This is still way better than the Dominican republic and Algeria which I would call a dystopia. Singapore receiving the highest scores would be an utopia, at least in terms of test scores.
