Sunday, April 26, 2020

Be Vigilant About Stroke

So there's a rare but worrisome possible side issue here: Stroke.

Sorry to be a downer, and bear in mind that these stories are rare edge cases. Folks aren't stroking out en masse. So I'm not trying to compound your sense of foreboding (if being sick is so awful to contemplate, shouldn't feeling good make you ecstatic?), but just to put you on alert:

If you experience sudden slurred speech, drooping on one side of the face, or confusion (more than normal), or a dead feeling in one arm, go ASAP to hospital. I know, I know; we're averse to that because they seem like viral cesspools. But 1. what you have is potentially worse, and 2. if you're under age 70, it's very likely virus-based, i.e. you've already got it. So go.

And remember that, as with cardiac symptoms, the clock is ticking. If you get help fast, you'll be okay. But seconds count.

Pass it on.

Pierre, our Technical Advisor, muses: "It may well just be that they're too strong to die of the other stuff. Time will tell."

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