Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Lincoln Project

I first directed your attention to Rick Wilson in this posting from four years ago.

I've recommended him a number of times since, and tonight, the group he co-founded, "The Lincoln Project", which has grown into the preeminent anti-Trump media voice, gets profiled on tonight's 60 Minutes (there was also a great profile of them in last week's New Yorker).

If you missed their glorious pandemic tribute to "Evita", titled "Covita", you're in for a treat. Turn the sound way up (more great Lincoln Project videos here):

I usually forget to circle back and say "told yuh" (I did take a smash dunk on something back in July), but at least I can rest assured that the scattering of you reading this stuff get at least some benefit.

There is a chance the very final Lincoln Project ad before the election - the "closer", if you will - will be an idea I proposed ages ago. At that time, they were still obscure, and loved the idea. Their queue is now full of suggestions from major Hollywood types, but I have a feeling they may circle back and produce this. If so, I'll let you know.

Update: they just told me it's currently in production. But we'll see.

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