Friday, January 26, 2024

Self-Healing: Itches

This is part of a series of postings on self-healing, which you can access via the "Self-Healing" tag which appears in the Slog’s left margin below "Popular Entries". For general tips and background on self-healing, read this.

This cure for itches works like magic for me, but I've only tested it once (on an allergic thingie on my finger which hydrocortisone cream only barely alleviated, and which nearly drove me mad last night). The other entries in this self-healing series, being extensively tested, are offered with greater confidence. But this one's more of a work-in-progress, so please report results in the comments, especially if it doesn't work for you.
1. Concentrate on the itch point (not difficult!)

2. Also concentrate on the same spot on the other side of your body. If the itch is on your left knee, also concentrate on the right knee. If the itch is on the right side of your chest, concentrate, too, on the same spot on the left side of your chest. To be clear: don't concentrate on one or the other, but on both at once.
Yes, this is a strange thing to do, but if there were a non-strange cure for itches, it would have been noticed eons ago. This is surprising and delightful - if it works! - because people are extremely unlikely to bump into it randomly. It's NEW. And new things seem "strange". Get past it!

Optional third step, a bit more touchy-feely: try to feel your heartbeat in both spots. It's not necessary, but it helps.

Simple move, I know. Childishly simple! In my experience, self-healing always turns out to involve simple moves, though it takes years and years to discover and refine them. That's the complicated part!

The answer is never "Travel to Indonesia and hear the mating call of the Javanese lapwing at sunrise while sipping kumquat juice". It's always vanishingly small. If I were selling these fixes, I'd probably add extra steps just to persuade people it's serious. No one wants to fix health problems with solutions seemingly thought up by a seven year-old (Me, I was a helluva clear-eyed seven year-old, and I still make hay with his style of doing things).

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