Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Depending on External Result

Dude's straining so very hard to conceptualize “framing”.

Same guy, resorting to an example (good one, too!) to illustrate his point:

In their defense, the ancient Greeks, along with everyone else prior to 1839, had to work a lot harder to grok this concept. The inception of photography, and, later, movies, really brought framing front-of-mind (not that we've done much with it).

For any mystics in the house, note that the internal stuff is equally external, because it's still stuff. Your kernal is pure awareness. Subjectivity parses objects both "inner" and "outer", but you're the parser, not the parsed. You are The Framer.

Of course, the moment you slap that label on, you start identifying as a thing - object, not subject. Can't be helped. Things are more alluring than spookily intangible awareness. So we're back to the races, so to speak, at least until we reframe back to spaciousness (which sounds like some grand, exalted state, but is no more elusive than any other framing).

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