Friday, February 14, 2025

Europe, Step Up!

Europe, step up!

The era of smug complacency under Uncle Sam’s beneficence - of channeling governmental energies into nannyism and stale pettiness - is over and you must repel a third falling shadow.

This one’s weak and exhausted. Putin’s Russia enjoys no frenzied dark Utopianism; no inexorable thrust of momentum. On its last leg, it would steal a cheap Hail Mary delivered, inevitably, by its orange stooge.

The ball is teed up, the meat well-tenderized, the tyrants elderly and deluded. World War III will be a slam dunk, a brief ugly anachronism, if you can summon the will.

Europe, step up!


  1. Hey Jim.... I am a passive observer and have a knack for not understanding subtlety ..... recently an old friend and I were e-mailing back and forth and she said she was 'home sick'. I wrote her back inquiring about her parents, and wondering what had caused her to miss her childhood home. Long story long.... she had called into work with a cold she was not HOMESICK.... lol. I do not understand this post.... it reminds me of the whole ghost in your apartment misunderstanding.... and you don't need to clarify on my account. But just for shits and giggles are you saying Europe should declare War on Russia?

  2. “Home sick” LOL.

    Putin has been at war with the west, for years now, though we haven’t fully accepted this reality. He’s trying to reassemble a Russian empire (and distract his population from his regime’s excesses and incompetencies), while Europe and US have fought back by supporting Ukraine, which fights the good fight on behalf of us all (if Putin consumes Ukraine, he will undoubtedly go after Moldova, Estonia, Poland, etc).

    This week, Trump has finally revealed his intention, which is to hand Ukraine to Putin on a platter, naively imagining this appeasement will lead to peace and satisfy the hungry monster. So at this point, either Putin gets a big green light for further shenanigans, or Europe gets its act together and bears the burden of support for Ukraine, hopefully even more strongly than Biden's support, so Putin (who's lost almost a million men so far) is pushed back in his pen.

    One might have thought we’d advanced beyond the notion that strong countries get to absorb their neighbors via sheer aggression. Seems pretty "old school". But Trump has stated that since Russia “fought for that land, and lost a lot of soldiers” they deserve to keep it. Hitler fought his ass off, too, but we tore France, Poland, etc, away from him. Hopefully Putin will be shut down before his ambitions widen. And Europe's the last hope.

    I realize none of this matches up with the stories you get from your media sources and peer group. All I can tell you is that I’m not spouting either side’s snarky disinformation. This is centrist, pragmatic truth, shared by experienced, well-informed moderates from both sides. FWIW.

  3. Well.... I read very little about modern European politics.... But it was actually the Soviet Union that liberated Poland. We handed over all those countries that the Russians beat the Germans out of, to them after World War 2. Get rid of the Germans and in come the Russians, the post war relief was short lived. The Iron Curtain came down and the "Cold War" began. What is going on today, I get. I am not pro-Russian in any sense, whatsoever, at all....but we do fail I believe to remember their role in the old WW2.

  4. For sure. I’m not saying this is a xerox copy of 1945. The Soviet empire was not created by a war of conquest, though it was preserved and expanded by a barbaric and bloody grip.

    And Putin’s trying to reassemble it. It’s my opinion that we need to stop him, because this sort of thirst can’t be satisfied by handing him one country and figuring we’re golden. Like with potato chips you can’t have just one.
