Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Search of NY’s Best Doubles

Great article on hunting for doubles, the downest, dirtiest, and most compelling food item in the Guyanese Trinidad/Tobago constellation of deliciousness.

Thanks, Barry Strugatz.


  1. while i've never eaten a double, they sure look like chana bhathura or perhaps even ragda pattice meets guyana.

    i'm dying to try them now.

  2. Wow, as a hip, wide-ranging and eating Indian, you will absolutely have your doors blasted open by exposure to Guyanese and Trinidadian cuisine (and culture, generally). It's a whole other branch off the tree...but, yes, it's discernibly of the tree.

  3. Thanks to Barry and Jim for this. I've not only never had a double, I've never been to the Always Hungry website. I've got work to do.
