Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Knowing Me WAY Better Than I Know Myself

I amuse myself by trying to observe post-Covid psychological skews. Most existed pre-Covid, as well, but have mushroomed into far greater prevalence. Here are previous postings tagged "Post-covid narcissism".

This has happened to me three times this week, and a bunch of times since Covid shutdown (aka "The Veil of Ultimate Narcissism"):
People don’t listen carefully, so they misinterpret what you're asking or explaining.

You go back and forth several times trying to clarify, but they persist in their original conclusion.

Eventually, they grow angry at you for occupying their time. They've painstakingly answered you a number of times. They completely understood your question/explanation, but you're just refusing to accept the answer they keep needing to repeat to you.
A simpler (and thoroughly maddening) version of this appeared sometimes pre-Covid:
"Wait, you're misunderstanding me."

"No, I'm not!"
HOW DO YOU KNOW? HOW WOULD YOU POSSIBLY BE IN A POSITION TO GAUGE THIS? Sigh. Drives me cuckoo for cocoa-puffs. I seriously grok hermits.

A friend contributes:
It’s partly a failure to listen carefully, and partly a refusal to consider the possibility of anything not fitting preconceived /existing views.
But overarching all is the assumption of primacy. If you imagine that you outrank me in the ability to gauge what I’m trying to say - if your second-hand hearing supersedes my first-hand speaking - that means I am a mere cartoon for you.

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