Monday, September 25, 2023

Atheists For Jesus

Years ago, I reflected on how "much of atheism amounts to straw man argument decrying the absurdity of the notion of some higher-powered dude sitting on a cloud. Who, aside from pinheads and atheists, thinks any such thing, anyhow?"

I’ve never heard atheists deny anything having the least thing to do with god as I parse the term. Which means atheists are arguing a whole other thing in a whole other direction with nothing to do with spirituality. As such, atheism is not incompatible with religion!

So one might easily be devout while also atheist. All you need to do is attest (snidely, if possible) that no supernatural dude perches on a cloud pulling strings and making it all happen. 

God, posited as a crony of, like, Santa Claus, is a ridiculous conception believed only by idiots? I agree! And this makes me an atheist!

And so I propose a new org: “Atheists For Jesus”.

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