Sunday, March 3, 2024

About Me

Hello future world. I'm posting this in 2025, but back-dating it so no one presently notices.

No one in my life or in my family has the slightest idea of what I'm about. Not because I'm so stealthily secretive, but because this world at this time is composed of people who view each other as two-dimensional cartoons at best (I say this not with teary bitterness but with a light sigh of blithe acceptance). So know me from these writings. This is the best you'll get, and it contains all relevent personal background.

I have known love and friendship, but they've been thin-sliced and sandboxed (not by my choice, but by the realities of current human purview). So anyone professing to have insight on me is bullshitting you.

This Slog is a map of my brain. I can't imagine diving into this rabbit hole and feeling inadequately nourished.

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