Friday, October 4, 2024

Kamala's Gotta Hawk

If you're voting Trump, I don't have any new way to talk you out of it. And the following certainly won't change the mind of anyone planning to vote Harris (who I very strongly endorse). But I'm just sayin'...

Here's the problem: Harris will need to be the most hawkish, shock-and-awe leader in memory. She will make Donald Rumsfeld look like a vacillating wuss. Because she absolutely can't play into the stereotype.

That's why Hillary was so leathery, overcompensating so strenuously that it was likely counterproductive. Our first female president, and the next few after her, will need to be Thatcheresque steel-spined high-testosterone bad-asses. No action or incursion unreciprocated, no threat unrequited. Prepare yourself for a quite a ride, foreign-policy wise.

I know black people (not just on Curb Your Enthusiasm) who will not eat watermelon in front of white people. I totally get it (and sympathize, because watermelon, as we all know, is delicious). Likewise, I decline to best anyone in a financial transaction. I'm allergic to it. "Clockwork-Oranged" out of it. I just willingly added 15€ back to an eBay purchase after the seller wearily dropped his price by 40€ to oblige me ("That's my final offer!" I proclaimed, confusing the bejesus out of the guy). And, as an American immigrant to Portugal, I once sat in a doctor's waiting room for three uncomplaining hours waiting for my name to be called, constitutionally unwilling to imperiously nag the receptionist (when I finally inquired, and the receptionist got sniffy, the other patients were so indignant on my behalf that they began translating and advocating for me, en masse; I never saw so many English-speaking Portuguese!).

It's an indelible aspect of minority status to fight against the damned clichés. So I hope we quickly get on with electing three or four more women presidents so it becomes less of an issue, and one can eventually rule with a softly judicious touch without looking "womanly".


Anonymous said...

Following Politics is akin to watching the Track Santa feature on USPS and rushing to the key board to inform your friends when he gets close....

Jim Leff said...

I don't feel so dispassionate about it.

Your ability to deem politics extraneous is a measure of the wealth and comfort afforded you, in part, by our system of government. A well-running political system is somewhat set-and-forget. It seems way less urgent than planning your next vacation.

If/when it all breaks down (I don't mean the fake breakdowns reported 24/7 on cable news, both left and right), it will feel way, way, way less Santa Claus to you. So my humble suggestion is to keep a toe in the water, and at least track the larger patterns. And definitely, definitely vote (either way).

Anonymous said...

Of course the Western Middle class has always been reminded of how good they got it... Heck even Low income people have a refrigerator (Great Pharaoh could never have imagined a cold Beer, or saving his leftovers) and some even have A/C and heat.... not all can afford to run the A/c or Heat.. but I digress.... Quality of Life in "3rd world countries" with political instability far exceed the Quality of Life in the USA's internal "Third World Provences" but that has other reasons... I don't argue against your interest in or Passion for politics.... After Covid expose the lunacy of the Media Politic relationship.... and forced Many people to reexamine some things , (not quite Black Pilled, as the Kids say) Most people regard the "Big Show" as the Rubbish it is... Worse Yet the Pandering to those who are Woke on the Right and Left by arguably the least polished show people ever to have a Silly convention....

James Leff said...

The refrigerator observation is profound but futile. The average spoiled westerner would hear it as “let them eat cake”. I’ve made the point that the same indignation previously applied by young generations toward basic human needs is now applied to a righteous right to wealth. The fury at the 1% is mostly directed from the global 10%. The have-tons are engaged in glorious battle with the have-tons-and-tons for...what, Teslas?

And I have no passion for politics. I'm just trying, as in all things, to be slightly less of an egregious dope. Seems like a low bar, but so do refrigerators.

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