Friday, April 17, 2020

Twitter Reminders

Just a reminder that my twitter feed offers links to newly posted Slog entries plus an interesting curation of retweets. As with the Slog, it's all either surprising or surprisingly stated (or funny, which is another sort of surprisingness). I never just amplify crap I happen to agree with. It's a shame to confuse people, but a mortal sin to bore them.

I thought to remind about this now because there are some particularly good recent retweets.

Also, here's the main list I read

Plus I never miss a thing from Rick Wilson, a former GOP assassin who's done exactly what you want GOP people to do: wake up, strenuously object, and repudiate the deceptions that brought us here. He's also a riot, and uncommonly soothing (he's probably saved six figures worth of therapy for his widely bipartisan following).

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