Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Rare Adult Artwork

I haven't done much artwork since childhood (though I do enjoy photography). This, my tribute to a niece, is an exception. It's got my trademark combination of primitive draftsmanship and high viscerality.

There's a quality ballerinas prize. They call it "lift"; a deliberately-created impression that gravity works the other way for you; that you're pulled up to the sky almost as much as you're pulled down to the ground.

Dancers achieve lift via an adjustment long known to yogis, called mula bandha in Sanksrit. As with almost all yogic stuff (e.g. karma yoga), don't try to do quick research; you'll just get colder and colder. Lots of people talk and write about this stuff, but shockingly few have any understanding.

I wasn't consciously trying to create the impression of "lift" in the little ballerina, but, years later, I see that it's palpable.

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